🍽️ Eating the Snacks

Now that we have snacks, let’s make them worth points.

When Myrtle moves into a cell, we’ll need to be able to check if there is food in a cell or not.

Add the following to World.py:

# World.py
    def cell_contains_food(self, cell):
        if cell == self.food_position:
            return True
        return False

Then add a check for food in the existing function for checking if a cell is empty or not.

Add the following to World.py:

# World.py
    def cell_is_empty(self, cell):
        if self.cell_contains_portal(cell):
            return False
        if self.cell_contains_obstacle(cell):
            return False
+        if self.cell_contains_food(cell):
+            return False
        return True

Then we’ll use this to check if Myrtle has landed in a cell with food.

Add the following to MoveObject.py:

# MoveObject.py

    def move_forward(self):
        direction = self.heading()
        if direction == 90.0:  # facing up
            new_pos = self.get_up_position()
        if direction == 0.0:  # facing right
            new_pos = self.get_right_position()
        if direction == 270.0:  # facing down
            new_pos = self.get_down_position()
        if direction == 180.0:  # facing left
            new_pos = self.get_left_position()

        if self.game.current_world.cell_is_empty(new_pos):
            self.current_position = new_pos

        if self.allowed_through_portal:
            if self.game.current_world.cell_contains_portal(new_pos):
                self.current_position = new_pos
+            if self.game.current_world.cell_contains_food(new_pos):
+                self.current_position = new_pos
+                self.forward(CELL_WIDTH)
+                self.eat_food()

        if self.is_collision():
            self.game.score = self.game.score - 5

If she did land in a cell with food, then we’ll add 5 points.

Add the following to MoveObject.py:

# MoveObject.py

    def eat_food(self):
        self.game.score = self.game.score + 5

Try moving Myrtle to the food, the score should go up by 5.