🏃‍♀️ Make Myrtle Move

Cool, so she spins. That’s particularly useful by itself, so next we’ll add the ability for her to move forward.

You’re in competition with the teammate working on the birds. They may or may not have already completed the move_forward() function.

Add the following to MoveObject.py:

# MoveObject.py

    def move_forward(self):

And then add the following to Characters.py:

# Characters.py

class UserTurtle(CustomTurtle):

    def __init__(self, colour, shape, speed, game, start_position):
        super().__init__(colour, shape, speed, game, True, start_position)
        turtle.onkey(self.turn_left, 'Left')
+        turtle.onkey(self.move_forward, 'Up')

Run the code and try pressing both the left and up arrow keys to make Myrtle move around the grid.

Head over to the Python Exercises to learn about lists before moving to the next step. Click here: Lists